New Intelligence (25)Full unit name: New Intelligence
Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:30:21
Navigation (3)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
Events: Desolator Crisis
Desolator Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (48)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Kira Carsen
    So. Ground rules? Master Kiwiiks let me do whatever, long as I wasn't in her way.
    Hero of Tython
    Do what I do and you'll be fine.
    Kira Carsen
    We make it up as we go. Nifty.
    Question two... what's my job on the ship? Hate standing around. Makes me antsy.
    Hero of Tython
    Listen to the starship broadcast frequencies. If the enemy makes a move, I want to know about it.
    Kira Carsen
    Thrilling work. But I'll take it. We'd better get moving. Let's go save the galaxy.

    (from Ground Rules)
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Agent Ottau reported to General Var Suthra that a probe he had sent to the hyperspace data transceiver's location was destroyed.
    Suthra informed Ottau that a Jedi Knight would soon arrive and join the mission.
  • Ottau
  • Var Suthra (from Desolator Crisis)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hero of Tython
    General, I've arrived at Ord Mantell.
    Var Suthra
    Perfect timing. I've just finished coordinating things with my man on the ground there. SIS Agent Ottau followed the enemy transmissions to a specific location planetside. He'll give you the full details. Your T7 unit can interface with Darth Angral's hyperspace data transceiver and download his communications. Take the droid with you.
    T7 = oiled + charged + ready for action!
    Kira Carsen
    Hmph. Guess I'll be playing dejarik against myself while you have all the fun.
    But General's right. Scanning a hyperspace data transceiver is a little over my head. Besides, Teeseven can handle himself.
    Hero of Tython
    I'm ready to go, General.
    Var Suthra
    Take a shuttle to the surface and meet Agent Ottau. Good hunting. Var Suthra out...
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen
  • Var Suthra (from Desolator Crisis)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Kira Carsen
    I've visited my share of seedy ports, but this one's the seediest. Just as well I'm staying behind. I'll make sure nobody steals our landing thrusters.
    Hero of Tython
    Check out the spaceport while we're gone. If this place is as bad as you say, Darth Angral may have a presence here.
    Kira Carsen
    Wouldn't surprise me. I'll poke around and see what's what. Have fun down there.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hero of Tython
    Is there something you need to tell me?
    T7 = likes helping Jedi // T7 = happiest in 100 years
    Hero of Tython
    How old are you?
    T7 = built 150 years ago // T7 = originally standard factory specs // T7 = many upgrades over the years. Most droids = regular memory wipes // T7 = never full memory wipe // T7 = remembers all partners
    Hero of Tython
    I'm starting to see why you're so useful, Teeseven. So just how many partners have you had?
    T7 = 12 other partners// T7 + doctor // T7 + mechanic // T7 + Senator's aide // T7 + others
    T7 = likes helping Jedi // T7 = helped other Jedi in past
    T7 = worked with Jedi Master Ven Zallow decades ago // Master Zallow = died during Battle of Coruscant
    Jedi Master Zallow = killed by Darth Malgus in Jedi Temple
    Hero of Tython
    It's always hard to lose someone.
    Master Zallow = good friend // T7 = misses him
    Hero of Tython
    Why didn't the Sith destroy you when they killed Master Zallow?
    Master Zallow = ordered T7 to hide // T7 = record attack // T7 = witnessed Master Zallow die
    T7 = escaped // T7 = reported attack to Jedi Council // T7 = work for Council ever since
    Darth Malgus = bad man // T7 = hopes somebody stops him
    Hero of Tython
    Do you even know where to find him?
    Darth Malgus = location unknown
    Galaxy = needs T7 + Jedi // T7 = ready for next mission

    (from Master Zallow)
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1
  • Hero of Tython's Defender-class Corvette arrived on Ord Mantell Orbital Station
  • Hero of Tython served as Pilot
  • Kira Carsen served as Communications Officer
  • T7-O1 served as Astromech
  • C2-N2 (Hero of Tython) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Fortitude-class Troop Transport departed from Ord Mantell Orbital Station
  • Hero of Tython was among its passengers
  • T7-O1 was among its passengers
  • Fortitude-class Troop Transport arrived on Ord Mantell
  • Hero of Tython was among its passengers
  • T7-O1 was among its passengers
  • Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire) captured Kira Carsen
  • Darth Angral arrived on Ord Mantell Orbital Station
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darth Angral came for a personal interrogation of Kira Carsen, who were able to convince him that her Master was on Corellia.
    Angral left the station, but ordered Ferav not to kill Karsen and to keep her captive.
  • Darth Angral, Ferav, Kira Carsen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Agent Ottau, Republic SIS. Welcome to Ord Mantell. Hope you enjoy war zones, Master Jedi. This planet's full of them.
    There's a civil war between Republic loyalists and a separatist movement bent on Ord Mantell's independence. That's the official story. The unofficial one is that the separatists are funded and supplied by the Empire. Only reason we're not fighting the Empire now is because they won't commit their own forces. They'd rather throw separatists at us.
    Hero of Tython
    What have you learned about Darth Angral's operation here?
    General Var Suthra had me send a probe droid to the hyperspace data transceiver's location. I learned two things. First, it's on an island. Second, they don't like visitors there. My probe droid wound up disintegrated. Make sure that doesn't happen to you, eh?
    Hero of Tython
    You aren't giving me much to go on, agent.
    Sorry, but that was my last probe droid. Is your little droid blaster-proof, too?
    T7 = small + hard to hit + tricky
    When you find the hyperspace data transceiver, plug in your T7 unit and download everything you can from its logs. With any luck, we'll learn what Darth Angral's been up to. Be seeing you.
  • Ottau, Hero of Tython, T7-O1
  • Hero of Tython's Followers destroyed a number of Recon Droids
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed a number of Imperial Sentries, Riflemen and Commanders
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed a number of Imperial Commando
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed a number of Imperial Recruits, Soldiers and Captains
  • Hero of Tython's Followers destroyed Heavy Imperial Sentry Droid
  • Hero of Tython's Followers defeated Marcovic
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Name: Marcovic. Rank: Lieutenant. That's all you're getting from me, Jedi scum.
    Hero of Tython
    I'm not here for you, anyway.
    You may as well kill me now. You'll never hold me prisoner. I'm proud to die for the Empire.
    Hey, what's that droid doing? Get away from there!
    Hyperspace data transceiver = operational // T7 = scanning transmission logs
    T7 = found Planet Prison designs + Tarnis communications to Darth Angral
    T7 = located design files code-named "Desolator" // Darth Angral = creating world-killer weapon using Republic technology
    Hero of Tython
    Download everything. Copy every file you can, Teeseven. We need to know what this Desolator weapon can do. Tarnis's talk on Coruscant about creating "non-lethal" weapons was a lie.
    Republic = in great danger
    You won't live long enough to tell anyone.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Marcovic
  • Hero of Tython killed Marcovic
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Name: Marcovic + Rank: Lieutenant = non-functional
    Hero of Tython
    I didn't want to kill him. He should've surrendered.
    Imperial organics = not logical
    Hero of Tython
    Get the rest of Darth Angral's design files for the Desolator weapon.
    Desolator files = downloaded // T7 electromagnetic pulse + hyperspace data transceiver = permanent file erasure
    Jedi + T7 = return to ship // General Var Suthra = needs report
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Back already? That was quick.
    Hero of Tython
    Darth Angral's base is destroyed, but my mission was only half successful. Teeseven downloaded some of Angral's communication logs, but the rest were destroyed.
    Right now, we'll take any success we can get.
    At least the Empire has one less hidey-hole. I'll put together a team, see if we can secure that island for our side. You should report to General Var Suthra. Be seeing you.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Ottau
  • Fortitude-class Troop Transport departed from Ord Mantell
  • Hero of Tython was among its passengers
  • T7-O1 was among its passengers
  • Fortitude-class Troop Transport arrived on Ord Mantell Orbital Station
  • Hero of Tython was among its passengers
  • T7-O1 was among its passengers
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    So your Master was here all along. Well-played, Padawan. Your lies convinced even Darth Angral.
    Hero of Tython
    Put down that lightsaber and step away from my Padawan.
    Spare me your pathetic demands. I hold the power here, not you.
    Imperial Intelligence noticed this girl wandering the station and alerted my master. Darth Angral came from twenty parsecs away for a personal interrogation. Unfortunately, we were led to believe you weren't here.
    Kira Carsen
    Told them you were on Corellia. Suckers.
    No matter. We have you now. Surrender - unless you want your Padawan to die.
    Kira Carsen
    He's lying. He can't kill me. Angral's orders. Don't worry about me. Get rid of Lord Pompous here.
    Hero of Tython
    Release my Padawan. It's your only way out of this.
    You do realize you're vastly outnumbered? Not to mention outmatched. I'll never understand what drives you Jedi to throw away your lives. You risk certain death to free this girl. Why? Some misguided sense of duty?
    Hero of Tython
    Jedi accept responsibility for others. Sith only care about themselves.
    You're as dull as you are pointless. Let's get this over with. When I present Darth Angral with your head, he'll be most appreciative.
  • Ferav, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed a number of Sith Acolytes
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed a number of Imperial Commando
  • Hero of Tython's Followers killed Ferav
  • Hero of Tython's Followers rescued Kira Carsen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Kira Carsen
    Don't take this the wrong way, but I've never been happier to see anyone my whole life.
    Hero of Tython
    I'm glad you're safe, but I need to know what this was all about.
    Kira Carsen
    Not much to tell. One second I'm watching smugglers haggle over spice, next thing I know the Sith have me.
    Angral wanted to know everything about you. Threatened to kill me if I didn't answer all his questions.
    Hero of Tython
    You obviously didn't tell him anything useful.
    Kira Carsen
    I knew what I was signing on for when we left Coruscant. And we never got to the actual torture part. He was sending me to Dromund Kaas for that.
    Angral left with an Imperial admiral to refit his battle cruiser, Oppressor. Sounds like they have some new weapon.
    T7 = scanned Tarnis + Angral design schematics // Desolator world-killer weapon = attaches to battle cruiser
    Kira Carsen
    "Desolator"? We should warn the general about this right away.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
  • Hero of Tython's Defender-class Corvette departed from Ord Mantell Orbital Station
  • Hero of Tython served as Pilot
  • Kira Carsen served as Communications Officer
  • T7-O1 served as Astromech
  • C2-N2 (Hero of Tython) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    T7 = transmitting files now
    Hero of Tython
    Looks like Tarnis was combining all your weapon projects to create something code-named "Desolator." We believe Angral's arming his battle cruiser with it.
    Var Suthra
    Then it's no coincidence I've lost contact with Agent Galen. The enemy is raiding our weapon research facilities to build that device.
    Hero of Tython
    What about Master Orgus and Kiwiiks? Have they checked-in?
    Var Suthra
    They went on comm-silence after leaving Coruscant. They're due to check in soon.
    Hero of Tython
    What planet was Agent Galen assigned to?
    Var Suthra
    Nar Shaddaa. It's Hutt territory - neutral - but the Empire has a strong presence there. We can't let Darth Angral complete this Desolator weapon, whatever it is. I need your help stopping him. Securing Nar Shaddaa is vital, but there's another target just as important on Taris.
    Kira Carsen
    You have another super-weapon on Taris you didn't tell us about?
    Var Suthra
    I'd rather not say more until you're there.
    Hero of Tython
    I can only do one mission at a time, General. What's more important - securing Nar Shaddaa or Taris?
    Var Suthra
    Nar Shaddaa is the immediate danger, but Taris holds the key to all of this. I'm trusting your Jedi instincts on this. Too many security breaches here; I won't risk the enemy finding out about this. When you reach Taris or Nar Shaddaa, contact me. And good luck.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
  • Var Suthra (from Desolator Crisis)
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
After Coruscant
was saved
Race to the Ruins
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
from the Planet Prison superweapon, the Knight
Hero of Tython
Major Characters
, along with Jedi Padawan
Jedi Padawan
Kira Carsen
Kira Carsen
Supporting Characters
and T7
(T7-series Astromech Droid)
, traveled to the planet Ord Mantell, the distance between Coruscant and Ord Mantell was approximately 3,645 parsecs.
While the Republic was gaining the upper hand, the planet was still in a state of civil war
Mantellian Separatist Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
. General
Var Suthra
(Mon Calamari)
Minor Characters (TOR)
told the Knight that before Lord
Sith Lord
Eli Tarnis
Minor Characters (TOR)
died, he transmitted data on the Republic weapons projects to a hyperspace data transceiver on Ord Mantell. Suthra was convinced that Darth Angral
Darth Angral
Supporting Characters
must have a secret base on the planet, and sent the Knight to investigate.
The Knight, T7-O1, and Carsen took their new ship to Ord Mantell. After they docked their ship aboard the Ord Mantell Orbital Station
Ord Mantell Orbital Station
Space Stations
, the three contacted Suthra from the ship's holocomm. Suthra told the Knight to meet SIS
Strategic Information Service (SIS)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
Minor Characters (TOR)
on the surface and take Teeseven along so that the droid could hack into the Imperial facility's transmissions. Carsen was left behind to guard the ship while the Jedi and Teeseven took a shuttle
Fortitude-class Troop Transport
Starship Models
down to the Republic's Fort Garnik on the island of Avilatan, where they found Ottau on the outskirts of the base.
The SIS agent informed the Knight that his scout droids had been destroyed by the Imperial defenses, but he gave the Jedi the coordinates of the small island where the listening post was located. After they crossed the battle-scarred territory between Garnik and the island, the duo
Hero of Tython's Followers
Temporary Unions
reached the island and met up with a team of Mantellian Army
Mantellian Army
Planetary and Sector
who had been monitoring the Imperials on orders from the SIS. After the scouts shared the reconnaissance data, Teeseven and the Jedi forged a path through the Imperial defenses and descended into the facility's lower levels, where they eliminated all who opposed them.
Finally, the two approached the post's hyperspace transceiver but found the last Imperial alive, a Lieutenant
Minor Characters (TOR)
, standing in their path. The Knight defeated him, and Marcovic was disarmed and fatally wounded in their fight. As Marcovic stumbled backward, Teeseven approached the transceiver and began to slice into the listening post's records. The astromech found the record of Angral's transmission to Coruscant almost immediately and was able to trace the Sith Lord's signal back to the source, which allowed him to recover a copy of the files that Tarnis had sent to his father in the process. These files included plans for something called the "Desolator," and the Knight told Teeseven to copy everything. When he realized what the two were doing, Marcovic charged at the droid in a suicidal attempt to stop him. The Jedi was not fast enough to cut him down before he destroyed the transceiver.
Their mission completed, the Jedi and Teeseven left the listening post and returned to Agent Ottau. After informing him of their success, they took a shuttle back up to the Orbital Station and returned to the docking tube to board their ship. However, their path was blocked by a surprising scene - a Sith Inquisitor
Sith Inquisitor
was holding a lightsaber blade to Carsen's throat as several Imperial commandos
Imperial Commando
Reconstituted Sith Empire
trained their weapons on the Jedi. The Sith introduced himself as Ferav
Minor Characters (TOR)
, an agent of Darth Angral - who had just departed from the station. Angral's forces had captured Carsen after Imperial spies
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
aboard the station recognized her, and Angral himself had come to the station to interrogate her. Carsen had managed to trick the Sith Lord so that Angral believed that the Knight was on Corellia
, and Ferav had remained behind as insurance while his superior departed. Ferav ordered the Jedi to surrender or he would kill the Padawan, but Carsen called his bluff - Angral told his subordinate not to kill Carsen, but to send her to Dromund Kaas
Dromund Kaas
for interrogation. Furious, Ferav threw her aside and drew his lightsaber as he ordered his escorts to attack. The Jedi engaged the Inquisitor in a duel, during which the Knight struck down the Sith and defeated his commandos and acolytes.
When the trio boarded their ship, the team contacted General Suthra to report their success. In the time since the Knight and Teeseven had left the Imperial base, Suthra's analysts had examined the data from Teeseven and determined several locations that were likely among Angral's targets. The "Desolator" files had revealed that Angral had sent agents to capture all of the Republic's weapon projects in an effort to construct the Desolator weapon, and Suthra asked the Knight to travel to both Taris
and Nar Shaddaa
Nar Shaddaa
in order to put a stop to some of Angral's plans.


See also
Related organizations
Strategic Information Service (SIS)StructureCharactersAgent OttauRanksAgentOttauWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterOttau
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)StructureCharactersLieutenant Marcovic (Commander of Ord Mantell's Listening Outpost)DroidsICC-A01 Probe DroidRecon Droids (Recon)IMP-A01 Military Battle DroidHeavy Imperial Sentry Droids (Security)RanksLieutenantMarcovic (Ord Mantell's Listening Outpost)RolesReconRecon DroidsCommanderLieutenant Marcovic (Ord Mantell's Listening Outpost)SecurityHeavy Imperial Sentry DroidsPart of / Served onReconstitued Sith EmpireWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL7 RifleImperial Riflemen and Soldiers - L7.1.4 RifleImperial Commanders - L7.1.4 Rifle, UPG: Ion Powercell, AMM: HI/RAIL Ammo and EX AmmoImperial Captains, AMM: IN AmmoMultiple Launch Missile SystemHeavy Imperial Sentry DroidsL2 ElectrobladeMarcovicL5 ElectrobladeImperial SentriesImperial RecruitsCryo GrenadeImperial CommandersSmoke GrenadeImperial CaptainsArmorImperial Heavy Trooper Armor A11.1Imperial SoldiersGE01 A10.1 HatImperial CommandersImperial CaptainsGE01 A11.1 HelmetImperial SoldiersGE11 A09.1 HelmetImperial Riflemen and SentriesGE11 A09.3 HelmetImperial RecruitsImperial Soldier Uniform A09.1Imperial Riflemen and SentriesImperial Soldier Uniform A09.3Imperial RecruitsImperial Officer Uniform A10.1Imperial CommandersImperial CaptainsImperial Officer Uniform A10.3MarcovicCharging Armor PlatingHeavy Imperial Sentry Droids
Imperial CommandoPart of / Served onReconstitued Sith EmpireWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL7 RifleL7.1.4 Rifle, UPG: Plasma PowercellPlasma ProbeArmorImperial Heavy Trooper Armor A11.1GE01 A11.1 Heavy Helmet
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Part of / Served onReconstitued Sith Empire
Sith OrderStructureCharactersFerav (Sith Inquisitor)Sith Lord Darth AngralRanksSith LordDarth AngralRolesSith InquisitorFeravPart of / Served onReconstitued Sith EmpireWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsTraining SaberSith AcolytesSith LightsaberFerav - L2 Sith LightsaberArmorSith Warrior Armor A01.2Sith AcolytesSith Inquisitor Armor A01.1Ferav
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Hero of TythonJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRanksJedi KnightHero of TythonJedi PadawanKira CarsenWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Reconstitued Sith EmpireStructureOrganizationsSith OrderImperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)Imperial Army (Sith Empire)Imperial Commando
Mantellian ArmyWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH4 Heavy Sniper RifleMantellian Army ScoutsL3 ElectrobladeMantellian Army ScoutsArmorGE23 A01.RS4 HelmetMantellian Army ScoutsMantellian Trooper Uniform A01.5Mantellian Army Scouts
Hero of Tython's FollowersStructureCharactersHero of Tython (Leader)T7-O1DroidsT7-series Astromech DroidT7-O1StarshipsDefender-class Light CorvetteHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteRolesLeaderHero of Tython
Related units, characters and other technologies
Hero of TythonMembershipHero of Tython's FollowersLeaderJedi OrderJedi Knight Hero of TythonFortitude-class Troop TransportPassengerHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvettePilotWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsHero of Tython's LightsaberRelationsKira Carsen (Apprentice)
Darth AngralMembershipSith OrderSith Lord Darth Angral
Kira CarsenMembershipJedi OrderJedi Padawan Kira CarsenHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteCommunications OfficerWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberRelationsHero of Tython (Master)
FeravMembershipSith OrderSith InquisitorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSith LightsaberL2 Sith LightsaberArmorSith Inquisitor Armor A01.1
MarcovicMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Lieutenant Marcovic (Commander of Ord Mantell's Listening Outpost)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 ElectrobladeArmorImperial Officer Uniform A10.3
OttauMembershipStrategic Information Service (SIS)Agent OttauWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy Blaster
C2-N2 (Hero of Tython)MembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteSteward and Maintenance
T7-O1MembershipHero of Tython's FollowersFortitude-class Troop TransportPassengerHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteAstromech
IMP-A01 Military Battle DroidUsed by / onImperial Army (Sith Empire)Heavy Imperial Sentry Droids (Security)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsMultiple Launch Missile SystemHeavy Imperial Sentry DroidsArmorCharging Armor PlatingHeavy Imperial Sentry Droids
T7-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onHero of Tython's FollowersT7-O1
ICC-A01 Probe DroidUsed by / onImperial Army (Sith Empire)Recon Droids (Recon)
Defender-class Light CorvetteUsed byHero of Tython's FollowersHero of Tython's Defender-class Corvette
Fortitude-class Troop TransportCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersHero of Tython (Passenger)T7-O1 (Passenger)
Ord Mantell Orbital Station
Hero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersHero of Tython (Pilot)Kira Carsen (Communications Officer)T7-O1 (Astromech)C2-N2 (Hero of Tython) (Steward and Maintenance)RolesPilotHero of TythonCommunications OfficerKira CarsenAstromechT7-O1StewardC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)MaintenanceC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)Used byHero of Tython's Followers
LieutenantMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Marcovic (Ord Mantell's Listening Outpost)
AgentMembershipStrategic Information Service (SIS)Ottau
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderKira Carsen
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderHero of Tython
Sith LordMembershipSith OrderDarth Angral
CommanderMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Lieutenant Marcovic (Ord Mantell's Listening Outpost)
Communications OfficerMembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteKira Carsen
PilotMembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteHero of Tython
LeaderMembershipHero of Tython's FollowersHero of Tython
ReconMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Recon Droids
SecurityMembershipImperial Army (Sith Empire)Heavy Imperial Sentry Droids
MaintenanceMembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)
StewardMembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteC2-N2 (Hero of Tython)
Sith InquisitorMembershipSith OrderFerav
AstromechMembershipHero of Tython's Defender-class CorvetteT7-O1
Complete list

Full unit name: New Intelligence Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:30:21